Tuesday Tips & Tricks - Keep it clean

big-tie-clip Sick of having to throw favorite ties in the trash because of stains you can't get out? Here are a few tricks to help.

1. The pull-back method: this is the one most people know. If you're eating or drinking something and you're not in front of a boss or client, tuck your tie into your shirt or throw it over your shoulder.

2. Spray the stains away: this trick comes from my very dapper brother in law, John. He sprays all his beautiful tiesLeather shoe protector with a light coat of water and stain protector spray for leather and suede shoes. Genius!

If you didn't follow option 1 and 2, then option 3 will come in handy.

3. Swedish ingenuity: Silk & Clean stain remover toilettes fit into a pocket or bag and removes stains from silk right after they happen.

Silk & Clean pads

Stay clean and stay happy! Have a great week!